Email Your Ideas Today Note: If above link does not work, email [email protected].
Calling all CTBUH members across North America. Showcase your leadership by speaking in person, nominating a speaker, or hosting an off-site program at the two-day Chicago event of the CTBUH 2021 International Conference, taking place in Chicago on 8–9 November. Speaking topics should relate to the conference theme The Future City: Addressing Carbon, Climate & Societal Crises and specific topics include:
•  Carbon: Counting, Curtailing, and Capturing Reducing embodied and operating carbon, carbon capture and sequestration, end-of-life carbon, the role of mass timber in the carbon conversation, and more. •  Climate: Change, Challenges, and Choices Urban resilience, resilient buildings, green walls and façades, natural ventilation in tall buildings, or other approaches. •  Society: Sustainability, Safety, and Sensitivity Affordable cities, infrastructure for equity, the built environment’s impact on human health, culturally responsive design, and more.
For Chicago-Based Members: Host an Off-Site Program in Chicago
Showcase how your Chicago project embodies the themes of the conference by submitting your site for consideration as host of an off-site program. Submit Your Ideas Today To be considered, or nominated, for a speaking role or host of an off-site program for the Chicago event location only, email the following:
•  Your name/Nominee name, job title, organization •  Proposed session title/off-site program venue •  If proposing a presentation, please provide brief synopsis on one the themes of carbon/climate/society. Presentations are limited to 20 minutes each. •  If applying to host an off-site program, provide a description of your project and how your offsite program relates to the conference topic.
We will contact you, or your nominee, for additional information if we are able to offer your topic as a session or as an off-site program host at the Americas event in Chicago.

Be a Speaker / Host Off-Site Program
Showcase your leadership on critical issues facing the urban realm or host an off-site program for the Chicago event

Note: If above link does not work, email [email protected].