Gold sponsors are recognized as important supporters of the conference, below Diamond and Platinum sponsors. There are three options for Gold sponsorship, linked to an exclusive aspect of the conference, as detailed below. In addition, each Gold sponsor has the opportunity to consider whether to take the package for promotion at one, two, or three of the regional events within the series. Benefits, such as presentation roles and complimentary registrations, increase in line with the recognition across these one, two, or three events.


  • Reinforcing Expertise / Thought Leadership
  • Conference Attendance & VIP Networking Reception Invites
  • Pre-Event Advertising / Website
  • On-Site Promotion
  • Media Relations & Social Media
  • Other Additional Benefits


Contact CTBUH for More Details
See all Gold Sponsor benefits in the table at the bottom of this page.

Sponsor One Event, Two Events, or Three Events

The core of each Gold package is the linking to an important aspect of the conference educational program, as outlined below:

Gold + Session/Topic Host

This sponsor helps drive the representation of an important industry topic at the conference, through a focused session typically consisting of 3–4 presentations (of which the sponsor delivers one), or a panel discussion on the same theme. This package therefore reinforces the sponsor’s expertise in the topic/theme.

Kindly Sponsored by:


Gold + Off-site Program Host

This sponsor drives and hosts a half-day, off-site educational program, typically at their tall building or facility, either the day before or after the core regional event. The off-site program typically consists of several presentations and a building/facility tour, and such programs are usually a highlight of the delegate experience.

Kindly Sponsored by:


Gold + Networking Reception Host

Each regional event will culminate in a social networking reception, typically at the top of a seminal tall building in the city. The Gold + Networking Reception sponsor is recognized as the exclusive co-host and supporter of this event, also delivering a brief opening address.

Kindly Sponsored by:


Other Gold Sponsors:


Other Sponsorship Opportunities


Sponsor Benefit Table

Three EventsTwo EventsOne Event
16 Packages
2 Still Available
Sponsor Branding Priority3rd Highest Priority
Exclusive Sponsorship3 Types of Packages:
(i) Session/Topic Host;
(ii) Off-site Program Host;
(iii) Networking Reception Host
Play Promotional Video 
Presentation/Speaker Roles321
Complimentary Conference Registrations (Total)543
VIP Invites to Networking
Reception (Total)
Recognition from Chair At Sponsored Session, Off-site Program, or
Social Networking Reception
Opportunity to Host Off-Site Program 
Logo on Website Homepage 
Logo in Event Adverts in CTBUH Journal, etc.
Promotion Via Social Media
Company Email Campaign Support
Material on Sponsor Table
Logo on Signage
Logo on Walk-in/-out Slide Loop
Promotion via Post-Conference Digital Report
Recognition in Conference Guide
Special Designation on Name BadgesSponsor
Logo on Website

*Sponsorship fee is net of all taxes and fees. Any taxes and fees need to be paid by the sponsor.