9 November 2021, CET (UTC+1)

Organized by the CTBUH France Chapter

Event Overview

CTBUH France is pleased to offer delegates an extraordinary opportunity to engage in an exchange on three major concepts: ecodistricts, urban mass timber, and refurbishing existing high-rises. The day will begin with discussion and facility tours at the Docks de Saint-Ouen sur Seine district, a revitalized industrial zone that is now an essential part of Greater Paris. The focus will then shift to timber construction within the Quartier Bruneseau. This will include a discussion of a 180-meter wood tower under permit and a visit to the completed Opalia building, an eight-story timber building utilizing concrete and steel. Finally, the discussion will center on the refurbishment of some of the tallest buildings in France, as well as the reality of repurposing existing structures. The day’s events will cap off with a cocktail and a networking reception enjoying the panoramic vistas from the 24th floor of the Tour Zamansky in the center of the Jussieu Campus. Sessions will be video recorded and feature international speakers, including presenters from the United Kingdom, to foster a broader, international perspective on these important issues.


  • One-day event
  • Half day of educational programming
  • Half day of site visits
  • Time zone: CET (UTC+1)
  • Program language: French


Core Conference
Manufacture Design

6 rue de l’Hippodrome, 93400 Saint-Ouen, Grand Paris, France

Networking Reception
Tour Zamansky

4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France


Event details are subject to change.

Tuesday, 9 November 2021

9:00 am – 9:30 am
Welcoming Café and Registration at La Manufacture Design, Sponsored by Saguez & Partners
9:30 am – 10:00 am
Introduction: CTBUH Chapter Board Members

Keith Brewis

Managing Partner, International, Grimshaw Architects

Edward Woods

Director of Engineering, Bouygues Immobilier

Peter Terrell

Founder, Terrell Group

Ariane Dienstag

Founder, Ariane Dienstag sas

10:00 am – 11:00 am
Session 1—Saint-Ouen-Sur-Seine: a Lab for New Urban Projects (Virtual access: https://zoom.us/j/97245482929?pwd=TWZndmY3dmp5dkhBY2V4Z2p0bElKQT09)

Patrick Roux

Managing Director, Senior Partner, Saguez & Partners

Fabien Maschi

Creative Director - Design and Architecture, Saguez & Partners

Jean-Philippe Cordina

Creative Director & Partner, Saguez & Partners

Etienne Bauchet

Senior Client Director, Saguez & Partners

Florian Dautil

Municipal Councilor, Mairie-Saint-Ouen

Keith Brewis

Managing Partner, International, Grimshaw Architects

11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Guided Tour: Eco District of Saint-Ouen-Sur-Seine

Patrick Roux

Managing Director, Senior Partner, Saguez & Partners

Florian Dautil

Municipal Councilor, Mairie-Saint-Ouen

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Lunch, Hosted at Yaya
2:15 pm – 3:00 pm
Walking Tour: Bruneseau District to Zac Bédier, Sponsored by Clestra & Hauserman

Arthur Le Moigne

Studies Manager, Plateau Urbain

Ludovic Vion

Planning Director, SEMAPA

Charlotte Apruzzese

Operations Manager, SEMAPA

3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Session 2—Timber City: Bruneseau Seine in the rive Gauche context (including the Opalia presentation) (Virtual access: https://zoom.us/j/95030255943?pwd=ZjErQkZ1RkZkS1dLRWxNeDFodUVYUT09)

Philippe Monjaret

Director, Hardel Le Bihan Architectes

Arthur Le Moigne

Studies Manager, Plateau Urbain

Charlotte Apruzzese

Operations Manager, SEMAPA

Ludovic Vion

Planning Director, SEMAPA

Steven Ware

Architect, Partner, ArtBuild

4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Guided Tour: Opalia

Kevin Guidoux

Architect - Project Leader, ArtBuild

6:15 pm – 7:45 pm
Session 3—Recycling the City: Refurbishing High-rises at Jussieu Zamansky, Hosted by Sorbonne University and Sponsored by Paolo Castelli Spa (https://zoom.us/j/97524368014?pwd=REprRStvZFhLL3pPVkFxNjJYNXlMQT09)

Jean-Luc Crochon

Architect & CEO, Cro&Co Architecture

Nayla Mecattaf

Architect, CEO & Co-Founder, CroMe Studio

Peter Terrell

Founder, Terrell Group

Franck Boutté

Founder & CEO

Jean-Marc Jaeger

Projects Director, setec tpi

Ingrid Bertin

Eco-Design Coordinator, setec tpi

François Lebrun

Director of Complex Structures, setec tpi

Marc Easton

Associate, Arup

7:45 pm – 8:00 pm
Closing Remarks
8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Networking Reception


Regular Rate
(Payment on or before 19 October)
Late Rate
(Payment after 19 October)
Full Day Program
Includes: One full day of education, coffee/tea breaks, lunch, and an evening reception
Please note that the above rates are based on pricing for CTBUH Platinum Members. Price will vary depending on your membership level. Non-member rates are approximately 25% higher than listed above.

+ Read the general payment and cancellation notes Payments: Registration payments are required to be paid in US Dollars (USD), at the rates portrayed, irrespective of daily exchange rate fluctuations. Registrations are not confirmed until payment is received. If a payment is not received within 24 hours of registration, then the registration may be canceled. Cancellation Policy: A 100% refund, minus a $75 administrative cancellation fee (per delegate) will be given if written notice of cancellation is received by 8 October 2021. No refund will be given for cancellation after 8 October 2021 due to costs incurred by CTBUH for each delegate at that time. No refunds will be given for those who register at an incorrect rate. No refunds will be given for those who do not attend the conference. If you cannot attend the conference we are happy to accept a substitute colleague without penalty up to 13 October 2021. No substitutions are allowed after 13 October 2021. All refunds will be handled after the conference. Reimbursement Policy: If a delegate wishes to remain registered but change their selections and this is possible within the terms of the Cancellation Policy above, then a US US$30 administration and bank fee (per delegate) will be charged on any reimbursement refund.

Specific Paris Event Sponsors

Local Sponsor


Email the CTBUH Events team for more information: [email protected]

Additional Notes: +Program details are subject to change.

Attendees’ health and safety is of paramount concern to CTBUH. Local events will implement health and safety protocols appropriate to the public health circumstances existing at the time of the conference, and in accordance with local guidelines. Compliance with some or all of the protocols adopted by CTBUH may be mandatory for attendance at in-person events. Additional health and safety measures, and any necessary consents by you, will be communicated to attendees in advance of the event.